audio drama

It begins

Let's be honest.
That wasn't an original title. But what do you want from me? I've got work to do.

February was a crazy as hell month. 
I launched the Practitioner's Guide, The Switchboard and this website, completely remodelled my living/work space, booked myself into a convention, did a massive clear out of bullshit I don't need and spent a couple of nights where I couldn't sleep making art.

On top of all that I made the monumentally bad decision of vlogging the whole thing.
That will come out soon, by the way, I'll cut it together once episode 2 of The Switchboard is done. 

The Good news is I'm pretty sure I just fixed the iTunes problem (as in literally ten minutes ago) so The Switchboard should be up there soon.

Anyways, piglets I hope February was kind to you and that March kicks in the teeth of your enemies.
