The Hex Tapes is an exercise in World Building.
Set in the same universe as The Switchboard, The Practitioner’s Guide to Dublin and all of my other fiction projects. It’s made up of a series of cursed/haunted videos and attempts by an anonymous Curator to analyse and explain them.
These videos are made under a Creative Commons Atribution 4 Share Alike licence.

Special Project #45: The Hex Tapes:

The Irish Defence Forces Directorate has seen fit to hire an outside contractor for the purpose of analysing and categorising anomalous video footage found throughout Ireland. This outside contractor -henceforth known as The Curator- has also been tasked with ascertaining the nature of each video and any potential dangers they may represent.

CW: First video contains high frequency noise. Other videos make use of ultra low frequencies known as Infra-sound; may induce headaches or feelings of unease.